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DIATEAM has organized in Brest, for Orange, a live-fire cyber exercise.

DIATEAM teams have setup an Hybrid Cyber Range on the premises of World Trade Center Brest to receive 16 students (Orange employees & Orange Security School students) in order to train them through a live-fire cyber exercise, which has been DIATEAM specialty since many years.

Those students have been able to work and sweat in complete immersion, in simulated and yet so real conditions. The scenario played the attack of a company led by cyberattackers who could for example take control of its website to change its landing page. It was up to them to organize themselves to deal with the different aspects of the crisis (technical solving, as well as HR management, internal & external communication, potential consequences…).

Our Hybrid Cyber Range platform made it possible to setup a complete virtual environment allowing to simulate the architecture of the industrial company targeted by the attack for students to be able to test and train in “real life-like” conditions (Test & Train, As You Fight). During this week, they have been able to evaluate and develop their abilities in immmersion in an “as in real life” cyber crisis situation, perfectly identical to what they could have to face in their professional life.

Indeed, they had to quickly detect the attack, and then to effectively react to contain it (entry point detection, path followed by the intrusion…) by taking all necessary measures. As in a “real life” situation, beyond technical considerations, they had to cope with other kinds of obligations, sometimes maybe out of their comfort zone (presentation, restitution, information reporting & staff coordination), all this while at the same time managing interference generated by our now almost famous Louis Pêche, a sometimes pretty rude CISO at the dusk of a not so successful carreer.

Once again, organizers and participants have finished this demanding week exhausted, but satisfied with the sequence and the work done.

Special thanks to Mathieu Herry & France 3 Bretagne team.

DIATEAM ⋅ Made in France / fabriqué en France