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A tailored environment for testing and training

OT (aka Operational Technology) refers to an infrastructure composed of hardware or software bricks that detect or operate through direct monitoring and/or control of changes on systems or PLCs within an organization’s supply chain.
IT (aka Information Technology) covers all the digital tools used to process information, including software, hardware, communication technologies, etc.
The task of the Blue Team is to defend. Through the Cyber Range, members of a Blue Team are trained to detect, respond to, and counter Red Team attacks. Blue Team members must stop malicious activity by mitigating potential vulnerabilities and their impacts. The technical and organizational capabilities of the Blue Team strongly influence the conduct of an exercise.
Traffic generation is the responsibility of the White Team in charge of designing and building the scenario used for the exercise. It is essential for the White Team to ensure that the exercise is conducted in accordance with the scenario’s objectives.
The Red Team is often composed of a small number of experts whose mission is to attack or compromise the simulated and/or virtualized system, organization or infrastructure. They must be well aware of the so-called TTPs (Tactics, Techniques & Procedures) used by attackers in real life.
A team of operators is responsible for the supervision of the entire Cyber Range. It is in charge of the session follow-up.

What is
a Cyber Range ?

A Cyber Range is an environment that enables organizations to replicate, in full or in part, any IT or OT infrastructure in order to offer a wide variety of uses (cyber combat training simulation, development, testing, benchmarking, and validation of system & network solutions…).

Cyber Training

Cyber Range platforms are simulation tools that enable your operational teams to practice, to train, and so to improve their response capacity in case of a cyber crisis.

DIATEAM offers you a catalog of trainings & exercises based on the use of the Cyber Range in simulated, but yet so real conditions. Preparation is the key to an adequate response when the crisis turns into reality.

Cyber Labs / Digital Twin

Our Cyber Range is a user-friendly & powerful tool to replicate existing information systems, in order to test and develop abilities such as pentesting, network protection, system hardening, incident response, and TTPs (Tactics, Techniques & Procedures).

Demonstration tool

Our Cyber Range also makes it possible to make demonstrations in order to raise awareness, especially among end-users (including directors, board members, managers…) by showing them in a realistic and tangible manner what damages can be caused by a cyberattack.




Our Hybrid Cyber Range in a mobile tactical case for trainings and deployments wherever you want them.

  • Standalone tactical case
  • Mobile Hybrid Cyber Range unit
  • Adaptable size
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On premise

Our Hybrid Cyber Range in rackable form for a rackmount installation in your infrastructure. Integration and self-reliance.

  • On premise rackable unit
  • Optimum securization
  • No power limit
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As a service

Our Hybrid Cyber Range, 100% online, hosted by our trusted providers, or optinally yours. Cost control and flexibility.

  • Shared or private infrastructure
  • Flexible and evolutive sizing
  • Monthly or occasional subscription
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Utilisé par les armées françaises


DIATEAM Hybrid Cyber Range adapts to your specific setup!
Available in tactical case, in rack, or online.

Platform DIATEAM M



Simulate any information system.
Create your own topologies, scenarios, contents to feed defensive & offensive exercises.
We can also offer you turnkey scenarios that are in-house created and tailored to your activity sector, which you can then use and customize to train your teams, or to feed your topologies in order to test & validate your infrastuctures.

The complexity level of these scenarios can be adjusted according to the expertise level of operators meant to use the Hybrid Cyber Range. We can offer you contents and trainings for levels ranging from initial operator (Fundamentals) to member of an experimented Red Team (Advanced).


Connect any type of network equipment or PLC/OT industrial automate.
DIATEAM Hybrid Cyber Range enables you to connect any network equipment. Platform operators can extend their playground by connecting any kind of device, like PLCs, or wireless network equipment.

This hybrid nature makes it possible to use the Hybrid Cyber Range with absolutely no limit relating to business sector (industry, maritime, health, energy, transports, aeronautics…).

As you may guess, this unique feature allows for a scope of possibilities to train, test & validate in extended scenarios.


A user-centered Cyber Range


Profit from multi-view, multi-user features


Play with our API thanks to our documentation and assistance


Remotely run actions within the Cyber Range


Thanks to Keysight BreakingPoint VE, generate various forms of network traffic


Simulate & tweak network links


Capture network for Forensic purposes


Improve your defensive posture by facing realistic threats


Plug & redirect any USB device to any Virtual Machine


View, drag and drop from catalog with a wide range of Virtual Machines/OS – Linux, MS Windows, Network Entities



Train your operators to better protect OT environments

High-level threat actors lead more and more cyber attacks on industrial sites. Operations technology (OT) systems are definitely the target of choice for Cyber Criminals or mercenaries. Therefore, organizations must focus on OT vulnerability management and crisis simulation to strengthen their preparedness in case of real attacks. To that extend, our SCADAVIRT solution enables you to test, benchmark, and prototype a wide range of industrial connected devices.

It’s a real privilege for Thales to contribute to raise the global level of Cyber awareness of IT and cyber workforces in Oman with DIATEAM, a partner of choice for developing and providing valuable Cyber Range platforms and contents.

Pierre JeanneVice President, Cybersecurity Technologies and Solutions at Thales

Formation super bien faite, rien à redire. Guillaume et l'équipe très très intéressants, pédagogues, à l'écoute, prodiguant de super conseils. C'est trop court, j'aurais aimé que cela dure plus longtemps !

Éric M.Institut Polytechnique de Paris

A lesson seems clear.
Wargaming, in terms of extensive tactical simulators, is no longer a luxury.
It is an essential element of combat team training.

Admiral Thomas Hayward, 1990Cyber Range

Bravo pour le dynamisme des intervenants et leur capacité à nous faire entrer et être en immersion dans l'exercice tout du long.

Alexandre L.Executive MSc in Cybersecurity, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

The Oman Public Authority’s Advanced Cyber Academy is teaching national cadres how to protect & defend networks against Cyber Attacks using Thales Cyber Range, a platform developed and powered by our partner DIATEAM

ThalesCyberSecurity Department

I truly recommend DIATEAM if you want to test/diagnosis your cyberattack resilience or even just to train your teams.

Steven Le RouxOVH

Le partenariat avec DIATEAM nous permet de proposer à nos clients une solution de formation mais aussi de validation des architectures techniques au moyen d’un Cyber Range.

Stanislas de MaupeouDirecteur de la stratégie systèmes d’information critiques et cybersécurité de Thales - Thales Cyber Range powered by DIATEAM

Rien ne vaut la pratique pour améliorer son niveau de sécurité. C’est sous le stress et en condition réelle que l’on acquiert les bons réflexes en cas d’attaques.

Sylvain R.Secteur de l'énergie


DIATEAM ⋅ Made in France / fabriqué en France